News & Events.
The paper by Teresa Teixeira Lopo and Daniel Bart The Impact of Covid-19 on the Work of Emerging Researchers in Education Sciences in Portugal and France. A Comparative Lexical Analysis, aimed at sharing the results of the RePeME project with an international audience, has been accepted and will be presented at the XVIII Congress of the WCCES - World Congress of Comparative Education Societies, to be held at Cornell University in New York from 22 to 26 July 2024.
The theme of this year's WCCES Congress is the promotion of inclusive knowledge ecologies that can contribute to equitable and sustainable education. The full programme can be read here
WCCES - World Council of Comparative Education Societies, founded in 1970, is an international academic organisation of comparative education societies from around the world. It is also a partner organisation of Unesco - the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. More information on the mission and activities of WCCES can be found here.
The RePeME research team welcomed Filippo Pirone, MCF at the University of Paris-Est Créteil, France, and researcher at LIPHA - Laboratoire interdisciplinaire d'étude du politique Hannah Arendt. This visit took place from 22 to 26 April 2024.
In addition to the activities carried out within the framework of the project, for which Filippo Pirone is a consultant, such as the analysis of the surveys carried out among managers and teachers, the preparation of scripts for focus discussion groups and the planning of communication initiatives and the dissemination of results, Filippo Pirone also gave a Masterclass at Lusófona University.
The Masterclass, Sociological perspectives on the French education system. Structural inequalities and new dispositives, which was part of the Sociology of Education course in the Sociology programme, allowed students to learn about, analyse and discuss specific aspects of the French educational context.
As part of its research activities, the first of the discussion groups planned for the RePeME project took place on 10th January 2024 at the University Centre of Porto of Lusófona University.
The discussion group focused on the recovery of learning, follow-up and assessment of students, and aimed to analyse the preliminary results of the surveys being carried out nationwide on post-pandemic changes in basic education.
Fourteen teachers and school leaders from Porto and Lisbon took part in the discussion.
The project team had the collaboration of Clara Craveiro, researcher at CeiED and coordinating professor at the Paula Frassinetti School of Education, in identifying the participants from schools in the Porto Metropolitan Area, and Maria Neves Gonçalves, director of the IPLUSO School of Education and researcher at CeiED, in identifying participants from schools in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area.
The discussion group also had the support from the project’s consultant Daniel Bart, full professor at the University of Lille and researcher at CIREL – Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en éducation de Lille, France, in drafting the script and organising the work.
The team also welcomed Geanine Escobar, a researcher in training/PhD student in Museology at Lusófona University – University Center of Lisbon, who was present as a non-participating observer.
The research brief, with the preliminary results of the surveys and interventions of the participants of this discussion group will be available soon.
Margarida Menezes, the researcher who came first in the competition for a research grant, has a degree in Communication Sciences (Multimedia) from the University of Porto, has a postgraduate degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra and is currently studying for a Master's Degree in Comparative Studies at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon.
Margarida Menezes is reinforcing the RePeME's research team in the area of public communication, particularly in terms of the creation of editorial and digital design content and the production of video content.
The RePeME project was discussed at the III International Congress on Humanism, Human Rights and Citizenship, which took place via streaming, and face-to-face at Lusófona University - University Centre of Lisbon, on 26 and 27 October 2023.
In this Congress, which aimed to promote a broad reflection on the problems of Humanism and Citizenship, including the issues of (re)building full citizenship in the context of today's problems and crises, the RePeME project contributed to the debate on Social inequalities and educational inequalities before and after the Covid-19 pandemic, as part of the Round Table - Citizenship and Development, which brought together researchers Maria Neves Gonçalves, Ana António, Paulo Sargento, Teresa Teixeira Lopo, José Viegas Brás and Arlinda Cabral.
Margarida Frade dos Santos, in the context of her paper RePeME - And after the pandemic? presented and discussed with the Congress participants the phases and assumptions of the project's methodological development and introduced some of its outputs, which are available for free and open access on the Zenodo and Harvard Dataverse platforms.
There is an open call for applications for a bachelor's research scholarship for the RePeME project - And after the pandemic? Recovery, continuities and changes in basic education (ISCED 1) in Portugal.
Scientific field: Communication Sciences
Admission requirements
Candidates must fulfill the following mandatory requirements:
1. Academic qualifications: Degree in Communication Sciences or related areas, including Applied Communication, Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication and Communication Design. Enrolment on a degree or on a non-degree course;
2. Proficient command of the Portugese language;
3. Solid training in the creation of visual content for editorial and digital design;
4. Solid training in video content production, image and video shooting and editing.
Duration of the grant: The grant will last 3 months and is expected to start on 1 December 2023.
Application deadline: The competition is open until 31 October 2023.
The full call for applications published on the EURAXESS Portal can be found here
The two questionnaires that will be applied, as part of the RePeME project, to directors of school clusters/non-clusters schools and teachers of the 1st and 2nd Cycles of Basic Education (ISCED 1),are now being applied.
The questionnaires were made available on the Qualtrics online platform and are being applied to a purposive sample of ISCED 1 schools from the national public network.
The questionnaires aim to gather information on ongoing measures/actions to mitigate school inequalities, as well as on the working conditions, well-being and mental health of teachers in the current post-pandemic context, and also on issues related to the measures/actions implemented to recover and/or consolidate learning, prevent school dropout, monitor and evaluate students.
The project's research team expects the application of these two questionnaires to run until next November 2023.
Daniel Bart and Teresa Teixeira Lopo participated in the Midterm Conference of the Regional Network 27 - Southern European Societies - of the European Sociological Association, with a paper presented within the session Comparative Education in Southern Europe which took place on 21 September 2023.
In the paper entitled La covid-19 a l'ecole: comparaison dans des theses et memoires en sciences de l'education
au Portugal et en France, the researchers presented the results of an exploratory study, carried out as part of the RePeME project and centred on identifying the questions raised by the Covid-19 pandemic in emergent works in the disciplinary field of education sciences/education and on a comparative analysis of how they were included, between 2020 and 2023, in doctoral theses and master's dissertations in education sciences/education, both in Portugal and in France.
The project RePeME was presented on July 14, 2023 at the CeiED Researchers’ Meeting.
At this Meeting,in a the paper entitled RePeME Project - And after the Pandemic? Recovery, Continuities and Changes in Basic Education (ISCED 1) in Portugal: The Methodological Path of the Elaboration of the State of the Art, the Research Fellow of the project, Margarida Frade dos Santos, presented the tasks carried out in the framework of Task 1 of the project, area 2/State of the art.
The project's Lead Researcher,Teresa Teixeira Lopo, shared with the audience, the objectives, team members, methodology and characteristics of the research phase that will begin next September 2023 and which includes conducting questionnaires to school to school directors and teachers.
The Mapping of Statistical and Information Sources: Indicators Report compiles already existing indicators, but spread across different statistical and information sources.
The collection covers the period from 13 March 2020 to 5 May 2023, matching the chronological scope of the RePeME project which foresees the systematic collection of information for two time frames: 1) emergency/during the pandemic; 2) change/after the pandemic.
The information is presented in a table, in four points: indicator, date (corresponding to the year), source of information with reference/link to the origin of the data and brief description of the result. Whenever necessary, supplementary information has been introduced in footnotes.
This report, which is a product of Task 1 of the project, area 2/State of the Art, was completed on June 23, 2023.
The Report is available on the RePeME Community of the multidisciplinary open access digital repository Zenodo.
Another work meeting was held on April 28, 2023, which brought together the researchers of the RePeME project to assess the status of the of the ongoing tasks, and the next steps to be taken.
At the meeting, held online/via Zoom, information was shared and discussed about the mapping of the existing literature (scientific literature, statistical data, legislation and educational policy measures, reports and other documents produced by schools of the first cycle and the second cycle of basic education(ISCED 1), as well as about a first version of the questionnaires to be applied at national level to school directors and teachers.
Image credits
Eden Constantino - Unsplash
The RePeME project participated, on April 19, 2023, in the Cycle of Debates about Education promoted by ESEL-IPLUSO - the School of Education of IPLUSO - the Polytechnic Institute of Lusofonia.
The main objective of the event was to present the applied research projects being developed in partnership with ESEL-IPLUSO, allowing a discussion with the public, made up mostly of students, on topics such as inclusion, resilience, and post-pandemic education and teaching.
The paper Post-pandemic Continuities and Changes in Basic Education (ISCED 1) in Portugal, aiming to share with an extended international audience the first findings of the RePeME project was accepted and will be presented at ECER 2023, which will take place at the University of Glasgow, from August 22 to 25.
This year, the Conference has as its framing theme The Value of Diversity in Education and Educational Research and its focus on addressing the various forms of diversity in educational research, whether conceptual, contextual or methodological.
The ECER – European Conference on Educational Research is an annual conference, sponsored by EERA – European Educational Research Association, which has been held since 1992. It is one of the largest conferences organized in Europe, serving as a meeting place for researchers on educational issues from a wide range of academic traditions and cultural backgrounds, and attracting an average of 2500 participants per year. More information about the scientific program of ECER 2023 can be found here.
The researcher, who was ranked in first place in the competition held for the attribution of one Research Fellowship, has a degree and a Master's in Psychomotor Rehabilitation from FMH - the Faculty of Human Motricity of ULISBOA - the University of Lisbon, institution where she is currently doing her PhD in Education, in the speciality of Health Education.
Margarida Santos, who has worked on several national and international research projects, including the Erasmus + PROMEHS - Promoting Mental Health at Schools and ENRETE- Enhancing Resilience Through Teacher Education projects, reinforces the team in the accomplishment of its tasks, in particular, in the theme of well-being and mental health, and the collection, analysis and reporting of quantitative and qualitative data.
Competition is open for the attribution of a Research Scholarship for a master's degree financed under the R&D project RePeME - And after the pandemic? Recovery, continuities and changes in basic education (ISCED 1) in Portugal.
The full Notice published on the EURAXESS Portal can be accessed here
The researcher Teresa Teixeira Lopo was the keynote speaker, on January 13,2023, of the Cycle of Conferences 2022/2023 of NOVAMEdS - Master in Education Studies of the NOVA University of Lisbon.
This Cycle of Conferences has the particularity of being open to the participation of teachers and other professionals of the ESCXEL Network - Network of Schools of Excellence, a partnership between eight Local Authorities, the corresponding 32 organic units of public education and the CICS.NOVA - Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences of the College of Social and Human Sciences of the NOVA University of Lisbon
In this Conference, the researcher presented the project RePeME, and based on the empirical work, still in its initial phase of development, she discussed with the participants specific aspects related to the project, such as the relevance of the plan for the recovery of learning, the digital transition, implemented measures and advantages for the collaborative work of teachers and yet specific post-pandemic actions addressed to the school community and implemented to promote well-being and mental health.